Game of ThroOH MY GOD

thanks for the nightmares, George R R Martin.
(click to look at the comic full size, yo)

In case you were wondering, this is the image the second panel references. No spoilers, but both Nick and I were like, Ho hum, just watching some Game of Thrones, love this show, wonder what's up with this ladyOHMYGODWHATISEVENHAPPENINGNONONONONO

Yes, we're only just now getting into it.  Shut up.

Also, fast pencil sketch comics, hooray!

Crushes (I guess ... ?)

This is an actual thing that happened.

Come on. You know you were bonkers in love with Robin Hood, too.


conversational genius

This is verbatim. Approximately 92% of the conversations I have with my best friend Becky devolve into some iteration of the above. We might start out discussing current politics or books we've been reading, but it's a safe bet that we'll be reduced to swapping mindless compliments and/or making weird noises at each other.

Note: this occurs when we hang out in person, too.


Welcome to a webcomic about my life: average, occasionally apocryphal, and all-around tickety-boo.